"Young Designer Uses 'Normal-Sized' Models at London Fashion Week- Casting Director and Stylist Walk Out"
style.com- "larger-sized women championed by London's cult leader of skinny, cobwebby knitted dressing? Unlikely but true, and when it came to it, Mark Fast Courageously followed through on his convictions. "A lot of people think it's not appropriate to use plus-size models," he said. "But I met these girls and I loved their charisma. They're just jewels, you know?""
This is the type of thing that stops me in my tracks and makes me reconsider why I have chosen such a cut throat industry in which to make my career. How could anyone not only feel, but admit to feeling judgmental enough to walk away from their job because of someones weight?
Every time I come up against this type of story I must reassure myself that I have the opportunity to make even the slightest difference.
Each new model, or industry professoinal I work with is someone that I might have the ability to positively influence. I push the art of fashion, and try to counteract the cruelty that often ensues in regards to body image.
I want to applaud Mark Fast for sticking to his own convictions. Certainly it may have been less daunting to go along with the norms set for runway. But instead he held true to his belief that there is a place for every body type within the world of fashion.
Bravo Mark!
so...there are times that I fantasize about designing clothes again. Nothing big, just a small collection of exquisite and incredibly made clothes. Then I come across things like this....Gary Graham who are you and how did you get into my brain?
this was one of those work work work, rest, work work work.... type of weekends that somehow seems to be neither restful nor relaxing. While the images above suggest the type of weekend I was so desperately needing and craving, this was not the type of weekend we ended up with. and to top in all off I had to spend about four hours in a mall. :( does it get any more frustrating, overwhelming or tiring than that? I submit that it does not!
"Everyone says to back off aesthetically," said Phillip Lim, days before his show. "But that's not what's selling." - Lim
I am normally a total sucker for Lim's collections, having fallen in love with his aesthetic at his beginning- a mere three years ago. His ability to combine classic femininity with a tomboyish edge grabbed me immediately.This Spring '10 collection did not stop me in my tracks the way his earlier collections did, but there are some incredible pieces as always. What do you think? I have included a few pics of Spring '07 collection for comparison.
I am a wardrobe and prop stylist based in Portland Oregon. i love beauty and design and am constantly inspired by the little things that catch my attention. this blog is an outlet from which i am able to bring all of these things together and perhaps provide you with a bit of inspiration along the way.