i am lucky enough to live with two pretty incredible boys. one is my gorgeous husband and the other is our amazing housemate. this post of the men is devoted to them. I guess I often get fixated on all the amazing fashion for women, but sometimes its all about the boys
in case you aren't a native Oregonian...it is very very hot here today. I have been working in my attic in the morning until it is unbearable and I begin to giggle over things that are not funny-such as the bespectacled smiley face icons...scary. So it struck me as very odd today to be drooling over the fall/winter 09/10 Miu Miu ad campaign. all of a sudden fall days and crisp nights are sounding pretty amazing...
off to the beach today for a whirlwind two days of shooting. I'm hoping to get a tiny bit of surfing in as it has been ages since I can last remember teetering on the edge of my long board. a few images to get the weekend off to a good start. Happy friday!
~simple, beautiful french clothing, a kind of European j.crew~ ~i love their website, their models, and their styling~ wonderfully inspirational address ~www.apc.fr~
I am a wardrobe and prop stylist based in Portland Oregon. i love beauty and design and am constantly inspired by the little things that catch my attention. this blog is an outlet from which i am able to bring all of these things together and perhaps provide you with a bit of inspiration along the way.