I am sitting in my sweats this evening, haven't showered, not sure if I even got to brush my teeth...
why you ask? my adorable and irresistible husband wanted a puppy.
yesterday we drove to salem, bought a 'cockapoo puppy' from a very original woman in the parking lot of Denny's. If finding out that she also raises monkeys, and recently adopted a chimp, wasn't enough information to give us a clear picture of where our perfect new puppy had been spending the first few weeks of his life, we then witnessed her load up a shot, drop it in the Denny's parking lot, pick it up, wipe it off and inject our Hank right in the neck.
What an experience.
Last night we slept roughly four hours-at most. I discovered that I am quite allergic to this particular cockapoo when I woke up with my eyes swollen mostly shut.
Long story short...I needed a bit of elegance and glamour in my day.
For that I turn to Swedish line House of Dagmar.